Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dear Diary I'm not moving to Austin and other updates...

I like to keep my two blog readers informed about what is "going down" in my life.  As you both know I am still unemployed and that is fine.  When we do move into a dumpster, I may not be able to update this blog as much as I would like too.  Oh wait the library does have computers so there is hope!  Okay well here is what is going on in my life:

I bought awesome T-shirts for myself and my husband look below:

Nope not doing it!
UPDATE!!! Click here for more info on this magnificent shirt.

I joined a yoga studio and I am learning how to balance all seven chakras.  That is a hilarious blog post waiting to happen.  Let's just say fatty not so flexible but I am sticking with it! If Arthur can do it I can do it:

I did a sugar fast with a friend well not really but it was a "I am going to refuse dessert" fast but I succumbed to peer pressure most of the time.  Well some of the time.

Do you know how hard it was to say no?!

I went to three farmer's markets last week and realized wow they have awesome selections and it is DAMN EXPENSIVE but it is okay because getting the case of the "sugars" is more expensive in the long run.

Seriously these tomaters look good.

I realized that maybe two people reading my blog is a gross overestimate, it's probably just my mom.  Hi Mom!

See my mom has always supported me!

I am also going to work on informing my one reader (hello again mom) about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) more in this blog because it is something that has been around, according to researchers, for over 2,000 years and doctors are just beginning to diagnose more and more women with it.

PCOS is serious y'all

Also we got new neighbors.  Pollie is very unhappy with this and she makes it known every time they go onto their back porch and grill.

"Yeah I am giving you the stink eye"

I am reading this and realizing man my life is boring but that is fine because I have had drama for the past two years and I am good with just a peaceful life.

Beaches make me happy and sane.

Last but not least, my grammar is atrocious but thanks to The Oatmeal for helping me out.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dear Diary bathing suits will not make me feel bad anymore!

Sandcastles in the sand- Robin Sparkles
Warning this post is going to be semi-serious with a dash of (insert any women's talk show).  I went to the beach this week.  I had to wear a bathing suit *GASP*.  I have loathed wearing one since I saw my first dimple of cellulite, yeah I got it so what?!  Then something happened, I don't know if it is because I am 30 plus or what.  I was like who cares how I look in my tankini it is hot outside and I need to wear the proper attire to take a plunge into that large salty watering hole that some call the Atlantic Ocean.  I didn't care and I was okay with it.  I am overweight, I am fat.  I will own that word.  I have cellulite, I got grandma bat arms, I have double (sometimes triple) chins, and I have stacked tire belly syndrome (aka the Michelin Man).  I am me.  I love me.  All of me, the fat me, the emotional me, the crazy me, the silly me, the hilarious me, the angry me, the defeated me, and I could go on...Wait now I remember how this all started!!!

A dear dear cousin of mine emailed me a link to a lecture about Vulnerability (capitalized the word for emphasis people!).  I found the lecture entertaining and enlightening all at the same time.  All it was, was a woman on a stage with her power point slides.  No frills, no explosions, no fancy robot dragons or horrible rock bands playing in the back ground.  It was just Brene Brown, PhD, a University of Houston professor, speaking about her qualitative research about why certain people are courageous and fearless and others are not.  I don't want to ruin the lecture for you because I have the video posted for you.  In fact I am going to post two videos.  The other one is about listening to shame.  She is brilliant and insightful.  Her words spoke to me and yes I know I sound very cliche like a  person who wrote a blurb that is printed on the back of an Airport Bestseller Book!  I know!  Hey but this is how I feel.  I feel like in order to be a better person you have to not only love all of yourself but you have to feel all the your emotions.  We live in a society where you have to numb yourself to the pain or else you will be considered a pansy or that crazy woman who can't seem to stop crying!  That is not true sometimes you have to let yourself feel it in order to move forward and be stronger.   Anyways watch these videos and tell me how they struck you whether it was meh she is just another self help guru like that really really really tall guy (Tony Robbins by the way and did you see he got people to walk on hot coals and they did it!!!!) or wow she is awesome and she made me realize things about myself.


Listening to Shame Y'all

Update NOW VIDEO WITH ROBIN SPARKLES!!!!! Because it is an awesome song!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dear Diary Marathon What Diet?! and Fat Reality.

Wouldn't you work out if this came to your front door?
So my sister-in-law emails me a story about a 500 plus pound woman who plans on losing more weight by having marathon sex with her ex-husband.  Yes sex is a physical activity and yes it is good cardio and probably muscular toning depending on the position(s) ugh okay I have to stop now.  Y'all know I wrote this blog to chronicle my life as I journey towards a healthier lifestyle.  I report on my new types of eating habits, workout habits, meditation etc.  I promise you I will not be reporting on this if I ever and it will be never decide to do this.  The lady weighs a bazillion pounds and I bet her ex-husband is some little tiny dude, THEY ALWAYS ARE, and ugh must not vomit.  Okay yes good for her trying to lose weight, she is currently the fattest woman in the world or the U.S. hold up -googling it-okay yup fattest women in the world at 643 lbs.  When did we start celebrating this again?  Congratulations you weigh as much as a normal size family of 4 with grown adult children.  Let's give you an award and worldwide recognition.  I just don't get it.  Where is my award for being obese?  Oh wait I am not fat enough.