Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dear Diary Marathon What Diet?! and Fat Reality.

Wouldn't you work out if this came to your front door?
So my sister-in-law emails me a story about a 500 plus pound woman who plans on losing more weight by having marathon sex with her ex-husband.  Yes sex is a physical activity and yes it is good cardio and probably muscular toning depending on the position(s) ugh okay I have to stop now.  Y'all know I wrote this blog to chronicle my life as I journey towards a healthier lifestyle.  I report on my new types of eating habits, workout habits, meditation etc.  I promise you I will not be reporting on this if I ever and it will be never decide to do this.  The lady weighs a bazillion pounds and I bet her ex-husband is some little tiny dude, THEY ALWAYS ARE, and ugh must not vomit.  Okay yes good for her trying to lose weight, she is currently the fattest woman in the world or the U.S. hold up -googling it-okay yup fattest women in the world at 643 lbs.  When did we start celebrating this again?  Congratulations you weigh as much as a normal size family of 4 with grown adult children.  Let's give you an award and worldwide recognition.  I just don't get it.  Where is my award for being obese?  Oh wait I am not fat enough.

Which brings me to my next point, reality shows that center around people losing weight, Biggest Loser and now Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.  Apparently to be on those shows you have to weigh as much as a two Mini Coopers otherwise you are too small.  Okay riiiiiiiiiiight.  I am currently 57 lbs overweight, this is not good folks.  My body is going dude you have too much extra body fatness going on and it is suffocating our organs helluuuuuuuuuuuur.  Now imagine being I don't know 260 lbs overweight, yeah exactly, that is very dangerous.  I mean when skin starts tearing you know you are fat, scratch that why would you become that fat.  Okay there are many reasons people are overweight and that is another blog posts but seriously I mean sure the shows are meant to motivate people like me.  But do they really??? I watched extreme makeover with my friend and we saw a 498 lb man lose 260 lbs in a year. So Mr. Big Ol Mexican (he was a big ol Mexican) for one had a personal trainer make him work out 8 hours a day practically okay maybe not that much but a lot.  Then he made him do a mini-triathlon and all this crap that pretty much made me tired just watching it.  So duh of course Mr. Mexican to the Max was going to lose a ton of weight, I would too if a personal trainer came in and made me do it.  He also had a membership to the gym and all this free stuff for working out and eating healthy.   I am just tired of seeing "reality" shows like that, oh look Big Ol' Fatty can lose a bazillion pounds why can't you?  Oh maybe because I don't have Bob Harper from Biggest Loser (he is the pic above of hot dude with tats) making work my fat a** off!  I got nothing of the sort here.  I have to buy my food and pay for my gym membership.  I have to motivate myself.  Hey I am just like normal people who are trying to lose weight, IMAGINE THAT!  

Yeah that is the point of my blog so that people can find motivation within themselves and know that they can do this!  I am just a Ms. Slightly Big Ol' Mexican to the Max and everyday I motivate myself to be a better person for me!  There is no big secret to losing weight and having a healthier attitude the way to do it is -as corny as this sounds- loving yourself.  So yes I am going to do a love marathon with myself, lol, yeah sounds dirty but okay how about this-I am going to keep on doing what I have been doing for the past six months and that includes loving who I am and what I will become.


Carol said...

I guess I should applaud her for trying to lose weight, but ewww...and if she can't move how does she burn calories? *stop Carol you don't want more info*.

I agree that those shows are unrealistic, I've thought that - sure, if that is all I did all day and had coaches and didn't cook for myself I could do it too, but i wonder how much they team them to maintain once they do go back to their life. its all about making better choices and sticking with it. you are doing great girl, keep it up!!!

Carol said...

teach not team

Dahnya said...

I'm too lazy to do marathon sex every day. Not to mention, Fran and I are too poor to currently afford an accidental marathon baby.