Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dear Diary Mmmmm Candy Bars and Filet Mignon.....

So as you know there is a drought going on and there are shortages of corn everywhere.  Well corn is in everything including beef.  How so you might ask?  Well in the feed the ingredients include corn.  So what are farmers going to do when corn gets too expensive and the feed becomes too expensive to buy.  What to do WHAT TO DO????  Oh wait a second FEED THEM CANDY!  Apparently they consulted with Willy Wonka and he developed a new feed for cows which involves candy corn and snozberries.  You may think this is a joke but it is not.  Seriously they are supplementing nutrition for cows with candy.  Candy that is unfit for consumption for humans but it is okay for cows.  Awesome and we eat those cows.  So next time you cut into your Ribeye or T-bone steak and see a candy coated shell, it is okay because at least you know it will melt in your mouth and not in your hand.

Gene W- ahem Willy Wonka 

Check out the link below:

Candy Cows and Oompa Loompas


Luis said...

The Japanese will figure out a way to charge an extra $10/lb for special beef raised exclusively on candy corn and other candy grains.

Delena said...

Luis I believe this is the American version of Wagu Beef. Instead of feeding them beer and oats we feed the cows with Coca Cola and Pop Rocks (hopefully they won't explode). AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carol said...

they shouldn't call it 'second hand candy', second hand clothes are used clothes...used candy? ewww

thanks for sharing, i'd heard something about it but didn't take time out to read it. they probably will start packing it special, "I'm looking for whopper-raised beef".

Dahnya said...

I'm in the midst of research but, Fran and I are going to attempt the Paleo diet for 30 days. This candy-cow syndrome may not be so good...