Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dear Diary Do I wanna be super fat?

You know the pictures of morbidly obese people, yeah they tend to scare me.  I need to lose weight seriously.  I will reiterate once again someone with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) has a higher chance of getting diabeetus and/or heart disease.  Well, my mother has diabeetus and my father had heart disease.  Yeah so chances are I will be getting those if I don't lose this weight.  I went to my Reproductive Endocrinologist last week and my results for my insulin and blood sugar were great but he said to watch what I eat and exercise at least 30 minutes a day.  Sounds easy right.  Wrong, I love food and I love Netflix Watch Instantly.  (Curses Mad Men why are you so good!)  Well I asked my husband last night what can I do to keep me motivated.  Here is what he said:

"My plan is to keep a picture of a super fat person in my wallet so that way when I am about to eat I can look at it and then look at my food and maybe not want to eat as much"

Wow thanks oh great sage of weight loss you are a real Bob Harper.

Yeah so I googled pics of "super fat" people and wow.  It's not pretty and it is sad seeing how bad some people get.  I don't want to be that way.  Maybe that will work for Jonathan but it will just depress me looking at fat people ahem fatter people then me.  So what are you ideas to keep you motivated to lose weight?  Hopefully its better then this:

Although it looks like my butt its not...or is it?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dear Diary Facebook part Deux....(and other updates)

This was me happy in San Antone before the fall :(

Well I have not been here in a while as you guys know I am moving soon to Hotlanta!  Yeah we are still trying to sell our beautiful house.  A lovely 1927 Craftsman home with everything updated!  Enough of me selling my house.  So here goes crap that happened to me while funemployed...

Had a yard sale and at said yard sale I injured my hip.  I mistakenly thought it would be okay for me to cross over my dog's pet gate (its like a baby gate for dogs) and tada pulled a muscle.

Then had a fun Fourth of July aka Independence Day but the day after I slipped on some stairs and fell on my back and big ol Butt.  Yeah I had some sweet bruises.  (Side note I think the nurse who checked my vitals was thisclose to calling a women's shelter but that's another story)