Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dear Diary Facebook part Deux....(and other updates)

This was me happy in San Antone before the fall :(

Well I have not been here in a while as you guys know I am moving soon to Hotlanta!  Yeah we are still trying to sell our beautiful house.  A lovely 1927 Craftsman home with everything updated!  Enough of me selling my house.  So here goes crap that happened to me while funemployed...

Had a yard sale and at said yard sale I injured my hip.  I mistakenly thought it would be okay for me to cross over my dog's pet gate (its like a baby gate for dogs) and tada pulled a muscle.

Then had a fun Fourth of July aka Independence Day but the day after I slipped on some stairs and fell on my back and big ol Butt.  Yeah I had some sweet bruises.  (Side note I think the nurse who checked my vitals was thisclose to calling a women's shelter but that's another story)

I hate Facebook again.  My friend Beth reminded me that Facebook owns property that you upload to their website duh, so too late I had tons of pictures on there.  I deleted them anyways for peace of mind.  I think I am thisclose to permanently deleting it because my cousin Joey aka NUMBERONEPRINCEFAN had told me two crazy incidents that were so redunkulous she was ready to quit it too.  I thought "You know it was meant to be a way to catch up with people but it turns into ugly fights which results in Facebook fighting and un-friending people." REALLY *my eyes are rolling*.  Don't get me wrong I love keeping in touch with people I am not a hermit but I would rather do it face to face or on the phone.  I had fun this past weekend.  I went to my friend Miss Bliss' birthday dinner then my friend Fran's movie party (well done Dahnya! except for the actual movie-don't see Cowboys and Aliens and if you do get in MST3K mood).  I also spent Friday with my best lady Gwendolyn Cobb-Johnson and little Johnsons.  Then Saturday I spent it with my cousin NUMBERONEPRINCEFAN and her husband Ruben aka Big Daddy.  They were hosting a going away party for yours truly and Jonathan.  So almost all my family was there and I talked to them face to face.  That's what we are meant to be doing.  We are social mammals.  I had a great time.  I was thankful that everyone made it.  So yes my profile on Facebook is bare now.  I am protesting the sight for causing so much negativity among my friends and family.  I am also forcing my friends and family to call me, text me, visit me in person.

In the future expect more progress on me losing weight because I need to!  I was out of commission for a month since I pulled a tendon in my hip go me!  FYI join Google + (hey I still love some social networking sites) you own your content that you upload to that website, the pictures are all mine muwahahahahaha.  So far no one has Google + fought yet.


Dahnya said...

Oh, Delena, those accidents sound horribly painful (both to the ego & body). :/

No pressure but, you're the only person I know who actively uses google+ so please keep those entertaining links and comments coming. Hopefully the + will remain a drama free environment!

Carol said...

The house photos look great!!!

ouch, hope your hip is feeling better..

non-facebook is the way to go, too much drama

Delena said...

Yeah hearing your stories and my own experiences about Facebook turning juvenile I thought that's it I am tired of this crapola. Seriously its about updates about what is going on. It helped me when my dad was sick and people wanted to know how he was doing but don't air your dirty laundry!