Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dear Diary Do I wanna be super fat?

You know the pictures of morbidly obese people, yeah they tend to scare me.  I need to lose weight seriously.  I will reiterate once again someone with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) has a higher chance of getting diabeetus and/or heart disease.  Well, my mother has diabeetus and my father had heart disease.  Yeah so chances are I will be getting those if I don't lose this weight.  I went to my Reproductive Endocrinologist last week and my results for my insulin and blood sugar were great but he said to watch what I eat and exercise at least 30 minutes a day.  Sounds easy right.  Wrong, I love food and I love Netflix Watch Instantly.  (Curses Mad Men why are you so good!)  Well I asked my husband last night what can I do to keep me motivated.  Here is what he said:

"My plan is to keep a picture of a super fat person in my wallet so that way when I am about to eat I can look at it and then look at my food and maybe not want to eat as much"

Wow thanks oh great sage of weight loss you are a real Bob Harper.

Yeah so I googled pics of "super fat" people and wow.  It's not pretty and it is sad seeing how bad some people get.  I don't want to be that way.  Maybe that will work for Jonathan but it will just depress me looking at fat people ahem fatter people then me.  So what are you ideas to keep you motivated to lose weight?  Hopefully its better then this:

Although it looks like my butt its not...or is it?


Control Complex said...

Exercise during TV watching. Set out a yoga mat (and exercise ball and weights) and get dressed to work out before starting TV. Then whenever you feel like it, do a few bicep curls, some jumping jacks, pushups, what have you. Or you can make it into like a drinking game. Every time a mad man smokes a cigarette while drinking brown liquor, you do a set of crunches. Something like that.

My biggest motivation is tracking statistics. I love number crunching. So I use SparkPeople (and other tracking sites) to track exercise, weight, etc. Then I just try to compete with myself and make the numbers nice from week to week. It's like a video game for me then, where the video game is MY LIFE.

By the way, I have had high cholesterol off and on since I was 23 and a history of blood disease and obesity in my family on both sides so my doctor got on me about this stuff way back then when I started having high cholesterol. I wasn't super pumped about it then (I smoked cigs and ate brie like there was no tomorrow), but I kept at it, just adding one good habit after another. Since then, I haven't smoked in over 5 years and I've lost and kept off over 25 lbs. It's a rough process to change your habits, but you can totally do it girl!

Control Complex said...

By the way, when I first started out, my energy levels were really low so I went to a nutritionist/acupuncturist, which really helped me turn around from my worst state to have at least enough energy to start exercising at all. You could see if you could find something like that to just help a little bit.

Hammer said...

Well we can get the internet and the computer to be powered by a treadmill. Should solve all the problems...and no Delena you cant get Pollie to run it :)

Carol said...

its not what motivates me, but what keeps me going is to break it up into little successes, like the other day when I was at work and I did NOT get a cookie at the meeting (WIN!) or that I do make time to exercise, too often I get caught in the - I didn't do it yesterday so I'm doomed, but no every day (and every meal) is a new chance to do good for yourself.

I like Beth's idea of working out while watching tv, I've thought about (but not done it), making it a requirement - if I want to watch tv I have to be doing something...