Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dear Diary the W.H.A.T. Method???

You can look like this in 3 weeks!!!
As you people know I am currently funemployed and looking for a job.  So I am at home a bunch watching terrible television instead of bettering myself with culture and crap.  Anywho Dr. Phil was on (which I normally don't watch but it was after Ellen) and I heard his voice from the television shouting out, "I am going to introduce this fool proof method for losing weight, it will blow all those other fad diet and [exorcise] programs away."  So naturally my ears perked up.  And then I saw these three very thin women who had toned bodies walk out in pink tank tops and black lycra pants and the super blond one in the middle said "We are going to talk about the P.I.N.K. method and how it will help you lose weight"  What the hell is this P.I.N.K. method and what does it stand for?

"You Fatties have no more excuses!"
First of all I thought okay is this Dr. Phil or an informercial where that crazy Australian guy will come out with his ugly sweaters or better yet Billy Mays come back from the dead.  Nope it was Dr. Phil and it was a room full of women sprinkled with men who were obviously husbands forced to come (yeah a very Oprah audience).  So he introduced his first guest a women who was my height and weight so my ears perked up.  She said she was tired of being overweight and that both her and her husband were on their way to fattymcbutterpantsville (my words not hers but you get the point.)

So then they brought out ladies who had lost the weight with ease.  He asked them what makes this program so different from the others,....the consensus response "The program combines eating right and [exorcising]"  Well shoot me down and call me fatty...*Delena dumbfounded look*  WHO KNEW THAT CRAP WORKS?  (for those who don't speak Delena I am being Sarcastic).  Well I figured what the hell I will check out the rest of this program and see what its about or better yet look it up online.  You can click P.I.N.K. and see what its all about.  Oh and finally they said what the hell it stood for on Dr. Phil: POWER, INTENSITY, NUTRITION, and KARDIO (dudes I am not even joking spelling Cardio with a K, seriously no English major will take this program seriously)

So I went there and saw some amazing video and thought seriously where these women ever fat, EVER.  At least Jillian Michaels was somewhat chunky in highschool (worst time to be chunky FYI) so she knows the struggle of losing weight.  Well the lady who created it is a renowned nutritionist in Hollywood.  This is me doing my yahoo serious face :-| , okay I will give her the benefit of the doubt.  Well I mean do you blame me for being skeptical because Hollywood has diets like the Cleansing Diet, the baby food diet, the eat your vomit diet, I don't know they are all ridiculous and not healthy. So I read about this lady Cynthia Pasquella and saw she is a nutritionist to MODELS, CELEBRITIES and BUSY EXECUTIVES, oh SO OF COURSE SHE KNOW WHAT REGULAR FAT WOMEN NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I know..some of you are saying  "You haven't tried it Delena how do you know it will or won't work?"  I don't know.  It may work for someone out there.  Though most weight loss stories I have read or seen where they kept the weight off was because they decided themselves to take it seriously and had a support system and wanted to keep it off.  There was no magical weight loss program.  It was their determination to lose the weight.  Look I have tried all kinds of FAD diets even back to the Deal A Meal days (yeah you know I am 30 plus with that comment).  Well now I know why its hard for me to lose weight because of my hormone imbalance but had I not gone to the doctor I would be struggling uphill to try to lose weight.  I would be the Sisyphus of losing weight.  Okay I am right now but soon that will change.  All I am saying in my blog post is check with your doctor first before you try any weight loss program.  I did and had I not I would be like WTF why am I still gaining weight even though I am eating okay.  So before you check out this P.I.N.K. Cardio with a K method go to your doctor and see if he or she approves it.  So anyone willing to part with 70 bucks to start this program let me know how it is.  So for now enjoy this retro Richard Simmons and remember who was a weight loss guru back in the day...a little man with an afro.

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