Friday, November 11, 2011

Dear Diary Happy Veteran's Day!

Roel Villarreal, US Army
This post is to honor those who have or are serving and protecting us.  My father was in the army during the Vietnam War.  My grandfather served during World War II.  Jonathan's grandfathers served during World War II.  One was in the Army and the other a Seaman (literally he was in the Navy).  My uncle was a Marine for 20 plus years and retired and is still a Marine.  My cousins were Marines and are still Marines in their hearts (one got married on the day of the Marines birthday!)  Jonathan and I have cousins who were in the US Air Force and I still have friends in the US Air Force!  So many family and friends have served and are serving and I am thankful!  Please show some respect and honor those who make life living freely here possible.

1 comment:

Dahnya said...

Amen! Thanks for reminding us that it's not a free Friday day off. :)