Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dear Diary I am thankful for my tight pants....and Christmas!

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone and now we are getting ready for Christmas (according to Target Christmas started in August).  So raise your hand if you ate your weight in turkey, stuffing and all the sides.  *Raises Hand!*  Yeah me too.  I try to have some constraint but it is so hard when food is so delicious.   CURSES FOOD WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO DELICIOUS!  I pretty much gave myself a pass Thanksgiving week.  I attempted to make a sad looking pecan pie but dang it tasted so good.  My crust still looks horrendous and I even went to a cooking class!  Remember how I said no sugar well that went bust last week.  I ate nothing but sugar.  It is freaking hard so I decided to limit my intake of sugar of once a week (very little like a taste).  I cannot deny myself yet.  I read an article that trying to give up sugar completely is like going cold turkey on heroin.  *Picture Ewan McGregor going through detox in Trainspotting even with the creepy baby on the ceiling*

Yeah it is like that. So I am going to go easy on myself.  Still avoiding white things, like PROCESSED SUGARS (maybe once a week), PROCESSED WHITE BREADS, PROCESSED WHITE PASTA, PROCESSED WHITE RICE, WHITE POTATOES, etc. Anyways here is what is going on in my  Fatty Mcbutterpants life:

1.  Ate like a fat fool for Thanksgiving TWICE.  I had two Thanksgivings thanks to very nice amazeballs friends inviting us over for dinner and we had Thanksgiving on Saturday since Jonathan had to work that Thursday.

2. Back to eating healthy food.

3.  Threw away junk food I bought with my mom, imagine that I bought Hostess powdered sugar donuts, marshmallows and crap.

4.  Walking more this week and going back to Yoga ( I have not gone in a while YIKES!)

5. Oh yes I am very thankful my mom was here for Thanksgiving and made that delicious Tex Mex for us and now I know why I had gained so much weight after college.  DAMN YOU DELICIOUS TACOS AND ENCHILADAS!

6.  Be on the lookout for a new challenge soon!

I hope everyone really had a great Thanksgiving and you were able to spend time with family.  Also it is Christmas time so don't pig out too much on baked goods.  Okay well just a taste....

Just a taste y'all!


Carol said...

yeah, a new challenge! its a food-oriented time of year. I did read to eat those things you know you'll only have this time of year and pass on things you could have any time...its one way to ration. I still ate more than I should've on thanksgiving, but did pass on the mashed taters..i'll take that as a mini-win!

Dahnya said...

I've gained 10 pounds since moving to FW- most of them are still leftover Christmas (sugar cookies) and Thanksgiving (my mom's enchiladas verdes- it's all cream) weight. :(