Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dear Diary I is poor now but this B still gotta eat,

So I am underemployed and I still have nightmares about my old job.  Another blog, another post.  Well I am calling on you my blog followers to give me ideas for recipes on the cheap.  I got some from friends via Google+ (which I love!)and Facebook but need some more ideas or websites.  You gotta help or else I will have to resort  to Jonathan for an idea and well left up to his own devices you get these artery cloggers on a plate:

I feel the heart disease starting now just staring at these


Control Complex said...

After sparkrecipes, which is awesome, you cantry which has some recipes for non-members. They are less exciting and sometimes more complicated than Sparkrecipes, but can be fun less-deadly versions of some of your favorite recipes.

Control Complex said...

Wow, this is an interesting list of healthy substitutions for any recipe:

Control Complex said...

Here's another compendium of healthy recipes:

Control Complex said...

Also, this blog is great for saving money on food and is generally pretty healthy:
I particularly like her month-long menus with links to all the recipes she uses.

Also, this blog has some really cheap, healthy recipes, although he is now vegan, that was not always the case so there are some meat recipes as well:

Carol said...

something we finally figured out to do since the store insists on selling chicken breasts in packages of 3 is to grill all 3 (even if we only need 2 for our dinner), and have a meal idea to use the 3rd later in the week.

we did that this week and it worked great, we marinated 2 in the marinade we wanted for the meal (caribbean jerk) and marinated the 3rd in just olive oil, salt and pepper since the marinade flavor wouldn't work for the other meal. then after we ate i shredded the 3rd one and we used it the next day in chicken fried rice - could also use for a lunch (grilled chicken salad, sandwich,etc), its less wasteful and keeps both of us from just eating that third one..