Friday, February 3, 2012

Dear Diary Sugar Busters and Other Updates

So since January 17th I have kept up with my lifestyle changes and since January 27th I have kept with the Gentlemen's agreement that Jonathan and I have agreed upon (see picture below).  I wanted to let you know that I honestly feel better.  I have lost some poundage but that's only part of the goal.  I am tired of reading articles or blogs about losing weight to fit into that cute dress at anthropologie, okay YES I DO WANT TO FIT IN THAT DRESS!  However it is more then that, I don't my leg to be amputated or have a triple bypass surgery by the time I am 50.  I don't want to be winded when I walk up a hill.  I went to a seminar on sugar and why we crave it and that opened my eyes immensely!  So I decided to ease into healthier choices. Here are some things I have done and wow it has helped.

1. Move at least 30 minutes everyday whether it be walking, Zumba, walking Pollie, Yoga, Circuit Training I do it.

2.  I am cutting back on refined sugars.  I have actually been pretty good on this but now I am being really mindful when I look at packages if it has more then 8 grams of serving of sugar in the ingredients back it goes.

3.  I am cooking more meals at home, this is actually a bonus because we save money and have a healthier meal.  We also eat at the table and not in front of the television anymore.

4.  I have cut waaaaay back on my alcohol intake.  I love wine, I love beer, I LOVE VODKA but it doesn't love my body so all I am left with is an overworked liver and pancreas that curses me every time they have to filter all the crap I imbibe.

5.  I have cut back on watching television.  I know GASP!  I decided I will only watch some shows plus I am boycotting Thursday on NBC since they took COMMUNITY OFF THE AIR!!!  Anyways studies show people who rarely watch television tend to live healthier lifestyles.

I don't expect people to follow in my foot steps because well this has been a long time coming.  None of these were overnight decisions.  I have eased into these.  The cutting back on refined sugars yeah that took 10 years!  I hardly use sugar in my cooking except baking but thank goodness for Google to find natural sugar substitutes i.e honey!  I knew about the sugar grams to look for thanks to my mom since she is diabetic and she has to be mindful of that all the time.  I just want people to realize that its more then trying to look cute in a pair of skinny jeans (a horrible fashion statement in my opinion), it's more about taking care of yourself as a whole.  So read below my gentlemen's agreement with my husband and so far so good.

1 comment:

Dahnya said...

I love that you guys actually signed it.