Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dear Diary why is it easier to find naked pictures of Kim Kardashian

then finding information on how to live your life with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  Seriously there are 5-10% of all women that are affected by this and you can find many articles but you have to really search.  I was correctly diagnosed back in 2008 with PCOS but I should have been diagnosed back in 1996 when I first put on birth control due to irregular periods.  All my gynecologist told me back then was that I was very overweight and that if I lost weight I would have a regular period, problem solved.  Right now I know that was very incorrect information.  So I decided to post my very long post because it gives people insight as to what I am going through and if I help one person who realizes they are not alone with the mood swings, the weight struggle, the infertility and so on then I have done what I set out to do.  So yay to me trying to put something on the internet that doesn't include a Kardashian, oh wait I just mentioned their name, damn here is a damn photo then!

I never watch the show and never will.

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