Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear Diary We're Walking We're Walking....

As some of you know I did a 5k this weekend, well I am putting up some pics from the event and I will post a story to go along with these pictures soon.  Here are some pics of my adventures walking the Conoco Philips Rodeo Run 5k:
Can you see my double chin oh yeah and my number

It's the start of something new in my life (eeh cheesy right!)

This lady stole my cowboy hat no seriously where can I get that hat!!!

Who said Accountants don't have fun, they were one of the cheer groups

I did it I finished !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was in it too, he of course beat me :/ Thanks for rubbing it in Mr. Bull


Dahnya said...

Go Del!!! I heard there's another 5K in late March...what's one more, huh? :)

Carol said...

woohoo! good job on the 5K...we do the march for babies one in April/May if you are looking for another one to do

Delena said...

When is it Carol and how do I sign up? I know you and Laura do it every year.