Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dear Diary I joined the 10-pound Challenge, hosted by Newlyweds on a Budget.

Thanks to my friend Carol, I decided to join a contest for losing weight and nothing like prizes to get you going. We are all still kids at heart wanting to get our gold stars.  (Now it makes sense why at weight watchers meetings they literally gave you stars when you lost weight.)  So I hope I got in on time, even if I didn't make the cut for entry I am still going to do it so I can keep myself motivated!  Wish me luck folks! I joined the 10-pound Challenge hosted by Newlyweds on a Budget. Lose 10 pounds in 12 weeks, win $$$. Are you in?


Carol said...

We can do it!

Nichole @ said...

I joined as well!! I am so ready for this and am hoping a challenge will be what I need to get off my ass...Good Luck! I'm your newest follower, can't wait to read more :)

Dahnya said...

You can do this!! Let's share tips :)

tip #1: do not down a king size kit kat bar when you find yourself indulging in a parks & rec marathon. true story :(